Legendary Stories
Clarence E. Butcher Jr. (a.k.a Flat Feet), Long-Distance Hiker
Waterproof Socks
"I used another pair of your waterproof socks as mittens. They too kept my hands dry."
I am very pleased to report the waterproof socks you sent me worked out perfectly. I wore them through several storms in Colorado and one storm in Wyoming's Great Divide Basin/Red Desert. The day after the storm in Wyoming, the dirt road the trail uses was about an inch think with mud. I wore your waterproof socks that day though the mud. At the end of the day my trail shoes were soaked, but my feet were only damp from my own perspiration.
I used another pair of your waterproof socks as mittens. They too kept my hands dry.
I am not sure if I ever send you a picture of myself on the trail. Therefore, I was enclosing a photo taken during my 2007 Continental Divide Trail hike in The Wind River Range of Wyoming. As I recall, I was wearing your waterproof socks then for added warmth.
I would also like to report that our fundraising was a success for the Sunshine Foundation. We helped make possible the wish of a 9-year old boy named Aiden (suffering from brain damage) attend Disney World with his family.
Once more, thank you ever so much for your sponsorship and all the waterproof gloves and socks you have provided me during my Continental Divide Trail fundraising hikes.
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