Legendary Stories
Tracy and Lanny Barnes, USA Biathletes
Waterproof Socks and Gloves
"Hanz waterproof socks and gloves are a lifesaver for us. Without them, we wouldn't be able to perform. With the extreme weather conditions we encounter, we rely on Hanz waterproof socks and gloves to keep our fingers and toes warm and frostbite free."
Through year-round training and international competitions – including the Olympic Games -Tracy and Lanny Barnes use Hanz® waterproof socks and gloves whenever the conditions are wet. They are now testing Hanz® flame resistant gloves for use in dry conditions. They report that the grip dots on these products provide the grip they need to fire accurately, even as their competitors struggle with slipping rifles.
For more information on the Barnes' twins, visit their website or visit their Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/people/TracyLanny-Barnes/100001245379691 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Twin-Biathletes/115160741863030
More Legendary Stories
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USA Biathletes, Tracy & Lanny Barnes
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